Best time to visit – Lionessexplore
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Best time to visit

Best Time to Go to Zanzibar | Best Month to Visit Zanzibar

When going on holiday to Tanzania the chances are the aim of the trip is to either go for a safari, or to the beach or both. As a general rule of thumb, the best time to be in Tanzania at the beach is in the dry season from July – October when the weather is dry and sunny. This is the only time of year which is pretty much guaranteed not to rain. There are short rains in November (which sometimes trickle through into December, January and March) before the long rains which come in April and May.

Zanzibar has a fabulous climate to meet all your Indian Ocean beach holiday dreams. It is an average of 30 years round – the catch is; you want to go when there is minimal chance of rain. We don’t think the beach is much fun when it is raining, especially if you are coming from a less than tropical climate like the UK! For the absolute minimum chance of rain, it really has to be the dry season from mid-June – mid October. The chances are the days will all be sunny and nice, and you would be unlucky to get rained on. In other months, April and May are best avoided, and due to a burst in rainfall so probably is November. The best time to go outside of the dry season is January and February with slightly less chance of rain in February. December and March may see some showers – but more of the day can still be nice! It is a gamble going in November, March and December and you should avoid Zanzibar in April and May. Unless you like rainy beaches and not an awful lot of sunshine…